The Duke and Duchess of Windsor’s Tour of Germany Day Three

wallis edward windsor
The Duke and Duchess with Robert Ley (World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo)

Read about day two here.

On the third day of the visit, Wallis spent the morning resting at the Kaiserhof Hotel in Berlin while her husband went on an inspection tour.

In Crossensee, he visited the training school of the Death’s Head Division of the Elite Squad of the SS. After the SS band had performed “God Save the King,” the Duke toured the facility. He was driven around in a new “observation coach”, which could only go forty miles per hour and delayed the Duke by over three hours. This did allow him to perfectly observe the new autobahn. At the training school, he learned that these “future leaders of Nazism” must be between 20 and 28 years old, must have served in the Hitler Youth or the military before they enter the four-year program. They were also to be subjected to four physical examinations to ensure that they were “perfect specimens and fully Aryan.”1

After lunch, he was taken to the Stargard military airport, where he went on board a small passenger plane belonging to Robert Ley and made an aerial inspection of a Nazi youth camp by the Baltic sea. He arrived back at Tempelhof Airport at 6 p.m. and returned to the hotel to be with Wallis.

Wallis had spent the morning in the hotel and only went out in the afternoon for a drive to Potsdam, where she visited Schloss Sanssouci with a Herr Solf from the Foreign Office who could explain its features.

Read about day four here.


Our book The Duchess of Windsor – A Collection of Articles is available now in the US and the UK.

  1. New York Times

About Moniek Bloks 2932 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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