From the German Crown Princess to Queen Victoria – Berlin, 6 April 1873
It was utterly impossible for me to write yesterday as I was quite in bed – and next to insensible with the frantic violence of neuralgia in my eye. I cannot describe what I have suffered these last three days. I have been nearly mad. I took arsenic without any effect, tried hydrate of chlorate in order to make me sleep – I did not sleep and was only very sick – I tried smelling carbolic acid and rubbing acoustic salve over my head but all to no purpose. Today I am able to stand on my legs.
I was so glad to hear of your successful visit to Victoria Park. No! Indeed in no other country could such a thing be seen; there is something in the expression of British loyalty which nothing else is like, the spontaneous, warm, touching way in which it comes out. John Bull1 has more heart than anyone alive, that I know and feel and see every day of my life!2
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