A memorandum by Queen Victoria – 29 September 1855

(public domain)

A memorandum by Queen Victoria – 29 September 1855

I must write down at once what has happened – what I feel and how grateful I am to God for one of the happiest days of my life! When we got off our ponies this afternoon Fritz1 gave me a look which implied that his little proposal to Vicky2, which he had begged us to let him make – had succeeded… He said in answer to my question whether anything had occurred, yes – that while riding with her – just at the very beginning, he began of Germany, his hope that he would come there and stay there. They were interrupted in fact 3 times, upon one occasion by the picking up of some white heather, which he said was good luck – which he wished – and she him. At last towards the end of the ride he repeated again his observation about Prussia; she answered she would be happy to stay there for a year. He added he hoped always always – on which she became very red. He continued he hoped he had said nothing which annoyed her – to which she replied ‘Oh! No.’ He added might he tell her parents? Which then she expressed a wish to do herself. He then shook hands with her – said this was one of the happiest days of his life. I tell this all in a hurry. We approved all this…

Vicky came into my room, where we both were… seemed very much agitated… her Papa asked her if she had nothing more to say. “Oh yes, a great deal!’ We urged her to speak and she said: ‘Oh! It is that I am very fond of the Prince.” We kissed and pressed the poor dear child in our arms and Albert then told her how the Prince… on the 20th had spoken to us… [how he] wished to see more and more of her. I asked did she wish the same? ‘Oh yes, every day.’ Looking up joyously and happily in my face – she was kneeling. Had she always loved him? ‘Oh always!’… Albert came in to say that Fritz was there, and I took her in. She was nervous but did not hesitate or falter in giving her very decided answer… He kissed her hand twice, I kissed him and when he kissed her hand again… she threw herself into his arms, and kissed him with a warmth which was responded to by Fritz again and again and I would not for the world have missed so touching and beautiful sight… It is his first love! Vicky’s great youth makes it even more striking, but she behaved as a girl of 18 would, so naturally, so quietly and modestly and yet showing how very strong her feelings are.3

  1. Prince Frederick William of Prussia who would marry her eldest daughter
  2. Her eldest daughter
  3. Queen Victoria in her letters and journal

About Moniek Bloks 2878 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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