Switching Allegiance (Day 7)

mary jane
(public domain)

Several members of the council switched their allegiance from Jane to Mary on the seventh day of Lady Jane’s reign. The Duke of Northumberland reached Cambridge on this day, but he received no further reinforcements. Mary received word from Sir Edmund Peckham, who had 10,000 men ready to march on London, giving her further confidence.

Jane’s husband made a scene with the council, complaining he was not being honoured sufficiently. It was arranged that he should dine alone, in state.

For the last time a proclamation, signed by Jane, was read out. It reiterated the justice of her claim, censured the Lady Mary for provoking “matter derogatory to our title and dignity royal”, and called for the preservation of the Crown “out of the dominion of strangers and papists”.

About Moniek Bloks 2884 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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