The end is near (Day 8)

mary jane
(public domain)

Apparently, Jane spent most of the eighth day of her reign in tears after a fight between the Duchess of Northumberland (her mother-in-law) and the Duke of Suffolk (her father) after the question of her husband becoming King or not, had once again come up. Meanwhile, the peasants in the country were refusing to take up arms against Mary.

The Duke of Northumberland was retreating from Bury St Edmunds, back to Cambridge. The Imperial Ambassador wrote to Mary’s cousin, the Emperor, to find out whether or not the Emperor was prepared to help the Lady Mary, which they advised him not to do.


About Moniek Bloks 2884 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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