The Canadian Maple-leaf Brooch

Canadian Maple-leaf Brooch
By tsaiproject - Kate and William, Canada Day, 2011 CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The Canadian Maple-Leaf Brooch is a much-worn piece, especially during Canadian engagements – no surprise there!

The brooch was a gift from King George VI to his wife, Queen Elizabeth, to mark their first State Visit to Canada. It was made by Asprey and “is in the form of a leaf of the Canadian Sugar Maple, the national emblem of Canada.”1 She was seen wearing it during their time in Canada and wore it again the following years as she was inspecting Canadian troops. She also lent it to her daughter in 1951 for her trip to Canada. The brooch also made an appearance during the 1974 visit to Canada. She was last seen wearing it in 2000 as she received the Order of Canada.

The Queen inherited the brooch in 2002. She was seen wearing it during a 2010 visit to Canada and during a 2008 visit to Canada House. She lent it to her daughter-in-law The Duchess of Cornwall in 2009 and afterwards to her granddaughter-in-law The Duchess of Cambridge in 2011.2

  1. The Queen’s Diamonds by Hugh Roberts p.232
  2. See also: The Court Jeweller

About Moniek Bloks 2933 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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