Princess Victoria in her Journal – 15 June 1837

Princess Victoria in 1833 (public domain)

Princess Victoria in her Journal – 15 June 1837

The news of the King1 are so very bad that all my lessons save the Dean’s2 are put off, including Lablache’s… and we see nobody. I regret rather my singing lessson, though it is only a short period, but duty and proper feeling go before all pleasures. – 10 minutes to 1 – I just hear that the Doctors think my poor Uncle the King cannot last more than 48 hours! Poor man! He was always kind to me, and he meant it well I know; I am grateful for it, and shall ever remember his kindness with gratitude. He was odd, very odd and singular, but his intentions were often ill interpreted! At about a quarter to 2 came Lord Liverpool3 and I had a highly important conversation with him – alone.4

  1. King William IV
  2. The Dean of Chester
  3. A friend of the family
  4. Queen Victoria in her Letters and Journals

About Moniek Bloks 2934 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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