A facial reconstruction has been made of the skull belonging to remains found in Norwich back in 1958. It is believed the remains might belong to Lady Eleanor Talbot, daughter of the 1st Earl of Shrewsbury. It was alleged after Edward IV’s death that he had married her, making his children with Elizabeth Woodville illegitimate. However, by then Eleanor herself was also dead. Edward’s sons eventually disappeared from the Tower of London and his brother became King Richard III.
Historian John Ashdown-Hill, also author of “Eleanor the Secret Queen: The Woman Who Put Richard III on the Throne” (US & UK) will unveil a facial reconstruction which is based on the remains excavated at Whitefriars in 1958. John Ashdown-Hill said: “The evidence so far is that they [the remains] belonged to someone aristocratic, someone with too much sugar in their teeth, and someone who died in their early 30s, which is all positive evidence that it is her.”
The facial reconstruction will be unveiled at Norwich Castle tomorrow as part of a study day and conference.
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