The exhibition takes place on several levels in the Hermitage and its main piece is most definitely the replica of the Imperial Crown of Russia, made for Catherine. Don’t be disappointed that it’s just a replica, it still contains 11352 diamonds (over two times the original has), 74 white pearls and a 385 carat precious stone. The real thing still exists, but is not allowed to leave Russia.
It’s quite a marvelous exhibition and it has an accompanying audio guide. You may know of my love/hate relationship with audio guides, this too is one that you have to hold to your ear and is quite inconvenient. Nevertheless, I would highly recommend this exhibition.
Catherine, the Greatest: a Self-Polished Diamond runs from 18 June 2016 until 15 January 2017. The Hermitage Amsterdam is easy to reach with public transport (metro stop Waterlooplein). The entrance fee is €17,50, which includes the audio guide.
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