marie antoinette
Marie Antoinette

The daily life at Versailles

Daily life at Versailles went by a strict set of rules of etiquette and routine. Marie Antoinette wrote her own account of the “maddening” and “ridiculous” routine to her mother in Austria in 1770. She woke up between nine and ten and dressed informally. She would then say her morning prayers, eat breakfast, and visit [read more]

diamond necklace

The Affair of the Diamond Necklace

By the time of the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, Marie Antoinette’s popularity was already declining, and her reputation was tarnished by gossip. The necklace in question was commissioned by King Louis XV of France, who was Marie Antoinette’s grandfather-in-law, in 1772, probably for his mistress, Madame du Barry. The necklace cost approximately 2 million [read more]