Princess Christina of the Netherlands, who died earlier today at the age of 72, will be the first Dutch royal to be cremated.
Members of the Dutch Royal house are normally interred in the royal crypt in Delft, however, Princess Christina ceased to be a member of the Dutch royal house when she married Jorge Pérez y Guillermo in 1975. She remained a member of the royal family. The last to be interred in the royal crypt were Princess Christina’s parents, former Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard, who both died in 2004.
King Willem-Alexander’s brother Prince Friso – who died in 2013 after a long coma after he was buried under an avalanche – was also not interred in the royal crypt and he was instead buried at Lage Vuursche, near Castle Drakensteyn where Princess Beatrix lives.
It is possible that Princess Christina’s ashed will be placed in the royal crypt but this has not been announced yet.
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