Alexandra Feodorovna

New examination confirms remains of last Russian emperor, his family members are genuine

Recent DNA testing has confirmed that the remains of Nicholas II and his family members are genuine, a spokesman has confirmed. Samples were taken from the lower jaw and a neckbone. The samples also matched the data obtained earlier from Nicholas II’s shirt, which had traces of his blood. The samples also exhibited heteroplasmy, a [read more]

Alexandra Feodorovna

Forensic evaluation of remains of people executed together with Tsar & family has been ordered

There has been another development in the case surrounding the last Tsar and his family. It has been decided to also perform tests on the remains of the servants who were with Nicolas II and his family when they were murdered. Official tests have been ordered to identify the remains of the servants, Eugene Botkin, Ivan Kharitonov, [read more]

Book Reviews

Daughter of Venice: Caterina Corner, Queen of Cyprus and Woman of the Renaissance by Holly S. Hurlburt Book Review

I do love reading about the more unknown Queens of history and I must admit Caterina Corner (or Cornaro) was quite a mystery to me. This is perhaps also due to the fact that she not born a royal but rather the daughter of Nobile Huomo Marco Cornaro and Fiorenza Crispo. Her father was a great-grandson of Marco [read more]