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I have to admit that I was immediately intrigued by the title of this book – ‘The Case of Meghan Markle and the Royal Family.’ A lot has been said in the last few years about whether or not Meghan faced racism and although as a white woman, I am sure I have a lot to learn, I am convinced that she certainly did face racism.
To explain what this book is all about, I’d like to quote from the introduction. “Revealing Britain’s Systemic Racism applies an existing scholarly paradigm (systemic racism and the white racial frame) to assess the implications of Markle’s entry and place in the British royal family, including an analysis that bears on visual and material culture. The white racial frame, as it manifests in the UK, represents an important lens through which to map and examine contemporary racism and related inequities. By questioning the long-held, but largely anecdotal, beliefs about racial progressiveness in the UK, the authors provide an original counter-narrative about how Markle’s experiences as a biracial member of the royal family can help illustrate contemporary forms of racism in Britain.”1
With articles with titles like “Post-Racial Duchess or Trophy Wife of Diversity?” and “Where Is This Racism You Keep Talking About? Sincere Fictions of the Virtuous White Self”, I was expecting to be challenged in my way of thinking, and I really was. This book forces you to look away from our safe white racial frame and see the other side for a change. I found this book very interesting, and I would recommend it for anyone willing to have their mind challenged.
Revealing Britain’s Systemic Racism by Kimberley Ducey and Joe R. Feagin is available now in the UK and the US.
Bless you for posting this book review … I have been so distressed by the blanket condemnation of Harry and Meghan for trying to bring the Royals into the 21st century, and being defeated at every turn by The Firm who must have been worried that the Sussexes would get more press than the Cambridges if they had been successful. I have been blocked from two British blogs for trying to explain that there is work to be done. The British were fortunate to have two charming, qualified volunteers for the job. But no … bringing the Royals into the 21st century must have implied criticism of the Queen (or something) and we can’t do that, can we? I look forward to reading this book … thanks for breaking the social contract and telling us about it.