Book News Week 13

house of lillies

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Book News Week 13 – 25 March – 31 March 2024

Power and Glory: Elizabeth II and the Rebirth of Royalty 

Hardcover – 28 March 2024 (UK)

Queen Victoria and her Prime Ministers: A Personal History 

Kindle Edition – 28 March 2024 (UK & US)

Tudor Feminists: 10 Renaissance Women Ahead of their Time 

Hardcover – 30 March 2024 (US)

The Daughters of George III: Sisters and Princesses 

Paperback – 30 March 2024 (UK)

The Powerful Women of Outremer: Forgotten Heroines of the Crusader States 

Hardcover – 30 March 2024 (UK)

Spanish Fashion in the Age of Velázquez: A Tailor at the Court of Philip IV 

Hardcover – 26 March 2024 (US)

House of Lilies: The Dynasty That Made Medieval France 

Hardcover – 28 March 2024 (UK)

History of Royal Women Shop

About Moniek Bloks 2795 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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